Why Javelo?

Providing teams with
the best review tool

HR reviews and managerial rituals should serve performance and commitment…
but the reality is far from corresponding to expectations!


Operational staff are increasingly disengaged from these rituals, which they see as a chore and do not feel the effects of:


A time-consuming formality with no perceived value

Based on rigid generalist HR tools

Which is demotivating because it is not followed by concrete actions

Your team’s expectations

A special moment to exchange and build meaningful relationships

Via a simple tool that tracks the evolution of your HR practices

Which provides actionable data to build your HR policies

Helping HR turn expectations into reality

With Javelo, we wanted to build the best reviewing tool to make your evaluation rituals finally work. A simple and powerful platform, designed to optimise HR efforts and involve employees.


A wide range of questions


Questions on objectives


Questions on skills


Questions on training


360° feedback




Instant feedback


Automated campaigns


The best alternative to HRIS


An intuitive and easy-to-use interviewing tool to compensate for the weaknesses of rigid and uninviting HRIS.

Classic HRIS


Tool for managers and employees for HR purposes

Tool for HR administration



Deployment time

Few weeks

Several months

Ease of use


Core added value

Specialist in performance management

General actor

Flexible solution that adapts to your culture and maturity level


Expertise on performance management


Continous feedback


“We wanted to co-construct with the managers so that we didn’t make a tool that was only for HR, and so that there would be support. The fact that Javelo is simple and scalable met these challenges, and allowed us to project ourselves into a more advanced use such as 360° feedback. It was also essential for us that the tool interface with our HRIS. The follow-up and availability of the Javelo teams is also a real plus.”

Marie Plazenet

HR Manager, AssurOne

Photo de Marie Plazenet qui témoigne et donne son avis client sur Javelo


Javelo answers your questions


Javelo allows you to digitise evaluation processes that are often manual or paper-based. The easy-to-use platform allows you to save time and obtain more reliable statistics on the performance of your teams.

We explain how we make your life easier in our answers to the most frequently asked questions:

What kind of processes does Javelo support me with?

Javelo accompanies you in your different evaluation rituals by offering you a platform that allows you to digitalize your annual interviews, professional interviews, 6-year reviews, the evaluation of competencies and the creation of your competency repository, the management of training requests... Javelo also helps you to set up a more continuous performance monitoring by adding more regular exchange moments and innovative evaluation methods such as 360° feedback, continuous feeback, positive feedback ego-boost or surveys.

How does the Javelo business model work?

Javelo is a SaaS software available directly from your web browser. Javelo works with an annual subscription that gives you access to different modules. This subscription also includes the support of project managers to help you with the implementation of the platform and the management of your evaluation campaigns.

What is the average time taken to set up the platform?

Javelo can be implemented in just a few weeks and will integrate all your employee information very easily. Our teams will accompany you throughout the project.

Is it possible to integrate Javelo with third party applications?

Javelo can be easily integrated with your HR tools (e.g. Lucca, BambooHR...) through API connections.

How does Javelo support me in setting up my first review campaigns?

From the start of the collaboration, a project manager is assigned to your company. He or she will help you ensure that the platform is set up correctly and will also act as an advisor. He/she can help you revise your review templates. Javelo offers a comprehensive library of questions and sample interview frames.

Can we set up a SSO (Single Sign On)? With Google or Outlook?

Javelo can synchronise with your company account and password so you don't have to enter them every time you log in. We currently work with the following interfaces: Google, OKTA, Azure Active Directory (AD/ADFS).

In which languages is the platform available?

The platform is available in French, German, English, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.

Trust yourself

Take some time to discover Javelo

What are you waiting for to contact us?

A human will call you back within the hour!
(between 9am and 7pm)

Write us at [email protected]

Up for a coffee chat?
26 Rue Henry Monnier, 75009 Paris